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Exterior Light Fixture: Replacement Info

May 18, 2024

Many homeowners attempted painting, or updating their exterior light fixtures and accidentally broke the glass. If you are in need of a replacement, please contact the company below. Mention "Lennar" as your builder and provide your address, and the company can match the exact model of light to your home. IBS Lighting, LTD 2801 E. State Highway 121 The Colony, TX 75056 469-568-8450

Many homeowners attempted painting, or updating their exterior light fixtures and accidentally broke the glass.  If you are in need of a replacement, please contact the company below.  Mention "Lennar" as your builder and provide your address, and the company can match the exact model of light to your home.

IBS Lighting, LTD
2801 E. State Highway 121
The Colony, TX 75056

Abbey Moor HOA

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